State League 1
ANUWFC 1 - Wagga City Wanderers 3
The first match of the season taught State League 1 a few lessons. One of them is that they play amazing football. The other one is that they need to play amazing football for the full 90 minutes!
State League 2
ANUWFC 2 - Canberra White Eagles 1
Goal scorers: Ashleigh T & Francesca H
State League 3
State League 4 Strollers
It gives me great pleasure to announce that ANUWFC’s Strollers are back for another season, and I once again have the privilege of reporting on their games.
Hoo boy are they back! There aren’t enough superlatives to describe the Strollers’ first hit out for 2023, but I’ll give it a go: impressive, forceful, amazing, outstanding.
Despite a shaky start getting used to a new formation that saw balls flying over the crossbar and passes going further than needed, the Strollers slotted an early goal which calmed everyone down.
The strikers, mids, wings, and even occasionally defenders peppered Tuggeranong’s keeper, who did well to save some dicey ones.
Defensively, the Strollers were solid as a rock, with only a couple of balls getting through to their keeper, and only one of which forced her to move at any sort of pace.
It was the second half - not usually the Strollers’ strongest half - that took the game from solid win to complete annihilation, with the team scoring 7 unanswered goals in the 45 minutes.
Despite being blatantly and unceremoniously fouled in the box, Kate’s late game cry for a penalty went unrewarded, and the restraint she showed in not arguing back wouldn’t be out of place in a holding cell.
So many goals were scored, this humble reporter was unable to keep note of who got how many, but Sarah, Holly, Lauren D, Kate, and Steph shared the work in attack.
New additions to the team Steph, Carrie, and Meaghan fit in as if they’d been there for years, and Lara made a triumphant return.
Strollers 11 - Tuggeranong 0
Match officials: 2!
Excitement level: 11/10
Amount of deep heat required: ♾️
State League 4 Runaways
Runaways 4 - Yass 1
State League 5 Suban
ANUWFC 0 - Woden Valley 4
State League 5 Marcus
State League 6 Sharkies
Sharkies 3 - Monaro Panthers 0 (forfeit)
State League 6 Kartapillars
Kartapillars 1 - Gungahlin Goal Diggers 0
Unaware of their hunger, the Gungahlin Goal Diggers decided to take on the Kartapillars. They crawled, making their way to the field, in their bright orange guise.
From the moment the referee blew his whistle, the relentless 'Pillars kept attacking. Honestly, the Gunghalin squad did quite well to keep their gold safe, keeping the score to 0–0 during halftime.
But little did they know, the Kartapillars were changing their formation, keener to taste sweet victory. And that's what they did, they crawled back on the field, a little faster this time, and swept right past the Gunghalin defence.
Working their prolegs together, the ball made its way to Claudiapillar who smashed the ball at the back of the net, sealing Kartapillars' first victory of the season!
